MVZ amedes für Praenatal-Medizin und Genetik GmbH ist ein fachübergreifendes Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum von Frauenärzten und Humangenetikern


Hammer, R. Diagnostischer Zugewinn durch 3-D/4-D-Volumensonographie. Gynäkologe 45, 752–760 (2012).
Abstract lesen

Schaller S, Knippel AJ, Verde PE, Kozlowski P. Concordance-analysis and evaluation of different diagnostic algorithms used in first trimester screening for late-onset preeclampsia. Hypertens Pregnancy. 2020 Apr 18:1-14. doi: 10.1080/10641955.2020.1750627. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32306791. Abstract lesen

Heling KS, Kozlowski P. Safety aspects of ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis. Ultraschall Med. 2020 Apr;41(2):116-119. doi: 10.1055/a-1104-3412. Epub 2020 Apr 7. PubMed PMID: 32259862. Abstract lesen

Wrede E, Knippel AJ, Verde PE, Hammer R, Kozlowski P. Isolated Echogenic Cardiac Focus: Assessing Association with Trisomy 21 by Combining Results from a Prenatal Center with a Bayesian Meta-Analysis. Ultrasound Int Open. 2019 Nov;5(3):E98-E106. doi: 10.1055/a-1118-3974. Epub 2020 Mar 9. PubMed PMID: 32159071; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7062549. Abstract lesen

Kürten C, Knippel A, Verde P, Kozlowski P. A Bayesian risk analysis for Trisomy 21 in isolated choroid plexus cyst: combining a prenatal database with a meta-analysis. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Jun 11:1-9. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2019.1622666. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31113245. Abstract lesen

Kozlowski P, Burkhardt T, Gembruch U, Gonser M, Kähler C, Kagan KO, von Kaisenberg C, Klaritsch P, Merz E., Steiner H, Tercanli S, Vetter K, Schramm T. Empfehlungen der DEGUM, der ÖGUM, der SGUM und der FMF Deutschland zum Einsatz von Ersttrimester-Screening, früher Fehlbildungsdiagnostik, Screening an zellfreier DNA (NIPT) und diagnostischen Punktionen. Ultraschall in Med 2019; 40: 176-193.Abstract lesen

Erdmann K, Schaal NK, Meinlschmidt G, Tegethoff M, Fröhlich S, Kozlowski P, Rivet N, Jamey C, Reix N, Kintz P, Raul JS, Heil M. Sex specific relationships between infants' mental rotation ability and amiotic sex hormones. Neurosci Lett. 2019 Aug 10;707:134298. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2019.134298. Epub 2019 Jun 5. PubMed PMID: 31175935. Abstract lesen

Friebe-Hoffmann U, Hiltmann A, Friedl TWP, Lato K, Hammer R, Janni W, Kozlowski P. Prenatally Diagnosed Single Umbilical Artery (SUA) - Retrospective Analysis of 1169 Fetuses.Ultraschall Med. 2018 Mar 28. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-123463. Abstract lesen

Rempen A, Chaoui R, Häusler M, Kagan KO, Kozlowski P, von Kaisenberg C, Wisser J. Quality Requirements for Ultrasound Examination in Early Pregnancy (DEGUM Level I) between 4+0 and 13+6 Weeks of Gestation. Ultraschall Med. 2016 Dec;37 (6):579-583. Epub 2016 Sep 14. PubMed PMID: 27626239. Abstract lesen

Krauskopf AL, Knippel Aj, Verde PE, Kozlowski P. Predicting SGA neonates using first-trimester screening: influence of previous pregnancy’s birthweight and PAPP-A MoM. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2016 Sep; 29 (18): 2962-7.doi: 10.3109/14767058.2015. 1109622. Epub 2015 Dec 15. PubMed PMID: 26551433. Abstract lesen

von Kaisenberg C, Chaoui R, Häusler M, Kagan KO, Kozlowski P, Merz E, Rempen A, Steiner H, Tercanli S, Wisser J, Heling KS. Quality Requirements for the early Fetal Ultrasound Assessment at 11-13+6 Weeks of Gestation (DEGUM Levels II and III). Ultraschall Med. 2016 Jun;37(3): 297-302. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-105514. Epub 2016 Apr 19. PubMed PMID: 27093520. Abstract lesen

Bahlmann F, Reinhard I, Schramm T, Geipel A, Gembruch U, von Kaisenberg CS, Schmitz R, Stupin J, Chaoui R, Karl K, Kalache K, Faschingbauer F, Ponnath M, Rempen A, Kozlowski P. Cranial and cerebral signs in the diagnosis of spina bifida between 18 and 22 weeks of gestation: a German multicenter study. Prenat Diagn. 2015 Mar;35(3):228-35. doi: 10.1002/pd.4524. Epub 2015 Feb 4. PubMed PMID: 25346419; Abstract lesen

Kagan KO, Hoopmann M, Hammer R, Stressig R, Kozlowski P. Screening for Chromosomal abnormalities by first trimester combined screening and noninvasive prenatal testing. Ultraschall Med. 2015 Feb; 36(1): 40-6. doi. 10.1055/s-0034-1385059. Epub 2014 Sep 25. PubMed PMID: 25255236; Abstract lesen

Oepkes D, Yaron Y, Kozlowski P, Rego de Sousa MJ, Bartha JL, van den Akker ES, Dornan SM, Krampl-Bettelheim E, Schmid M, Wielgos M, Cirigliano V, Di Renzo GC, Cameron A, Calda P, Tabor A. Counseling for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT):what pregnant women may want to know. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Jul;44(1):1-5.doi: 10.10002/uog.13394. PubMed PIMD: 24984969; Abstract lesen

Kagan KO, Eiben B, Kozlowski P. [Combined first trimester screening and cell-free fetal DNA – “next generation screening”]. Ultraschall Med. 2014 Jun;35(3): 229-36. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1366353. Epub 2014 Apr 24. Review. German. PubMed PMID: 24764214; Abstract lesen

Lato K, Poellmann M, Knippel AJ, Bizjak G, Stressig R, Hammer R, Janni W, Kozlowski P. Fetal gastroschisis: a comparison of second vs. third-trimester Bowel dilatation for predicting bowel atresia and neonatal outcomes. Ultraschall Med.2013 Apr;34(2):157-61.doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1281753. Epub 2011 Dec 9. PubMed PMID: 22161619; Abstract lesen

Kagan KO, Hoopmann M, Kozlowski P. Assessment of Foetal DNA in Maternal Blood -A Useful Tool in the Hands of Penatald Specialists. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2012 Nov;72(11):998-1003. PubMed PMID: 25258455; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4168339. Abstract lesen

Gottschalk I, Berg C, Harbeck N, Stressig R, Kozlowski P. Fetal Renal Insufficiency Following Trastuzumab Treatment for Breast Cancer in Preganancy: Case Report und Review of the Current Literature. Breast Care (Basel). 2011 Dec;6(6):475-478. Epub 2011 Dec 16. PubMed PMID: 22419904; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3290009; Abstract lesen

Amann C, Geipel A, Müller A, Heep A, Ritgen J, Stressig R, Kozlowski P, Gembruch U, Berg C. Fetal anemia of unkown cause - - a diagnostic challenge. Ultraschall Med. 2011 Dec;32 Suppl 2: E134-40. Doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1281756. Epub 2011 Dec 9. PubMed PMID: 22161617. Abstract lesen

Uhden M, Knippel Aj, Stressig R, Hammer R, Siegmann HJ, Froehlich S, Kozlowski P. Impact of maternal obesity and maternal overweight on the detection rate of fetal hearts defects and the image quality of prenatal echocardiography. Ultraschall Med. 2011 Dec;32 Suppl 2:E108-14. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1281646. Epub 2011 Aug 29. PubMed PMID: 21877317; Abstract lesen

Tröbs RB, Teig N, Neid M, Gernaianu G, Kozlowski P. Pseudotumerous enlargement of the umbilical cord owing to an intra-amniotic varicosity associated with thrombocytopenia. J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Sep;47(9):1760-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2012.06.018; Abstract lesen

Kozlowski P, Stressig R, Hammer R, Siegmann HJ, Froehlich S, Verde PE, Knippel AJ. Identification of response bias on apparent pregnancy outcome after second trimester ultrasound. Prenat Diagn. 2011 Apr 11. doi: 10.1002/pd.2758. [Epub ahead of print]; Abstract lesen

Stressig R, Kozlowski P, Froehlich S, Siegmann HJ, Hammer R, Blumenstock G, Kagan KO.  Assessment of the ductus venosus, tricuspid blood flow and the nasal bone in second-trimester screening for trisomy 21. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Apr;37(4):444-9. doi: 10.1002/uog.7749.; Abstract lesen!

Berg C, Lachmann R, Kaiser C, Kozlowski P, Stressig R, Schneider M, Asfour B, Herberg U, Breuer J, Gembruch U, Geipel A. Prenatal diagnosis of tricuspid atresia: intrauterine course and outcome. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Feb;35(2):183-90. doi: 10.1002/uog.7499. PubMed PMID: 20101636. Abstract lesen!

Kohl T; Tchatcheva K; Weinbach J; Hering R; Kozlowski P; Stressig R; Gembruch U. Partial amniotic carbon dioxide insufflation (PACI) during minimally invasive fetoscopic surgery: early clinical experience in humans. Surg Endosc (Germany), Feb 2010, 24(2) p432-44 Abstract lesen!

Bizjak G, Blondin D, Hammer R, Kozlowski P, Siegmann HJ, Stressig R. Acute infection with parvovirus B19 in early pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Aug;34(2):234-5.; Abstract lesen!

Merz E, Thode C, Alkier A, Eiben B, Hackelöer BJ, Hansmann M, Huesgen G, Kozlowski P, Pruggmaier M, Wellek S. A new approach to calculating the risk of chromosomal abnormalities with first-trimester screening data. Ultraschall Med. 2008 Dec;29(6):639-45. Epub 2008 Dec 15. Abstract lesen!

Mansuet-Lupo A, Henke J, Henke L, Blank C, Ernsting A, Kozlowski P, Rouger P, Van Huffel V: A paternity case with three genetic incompatibilities between father and child due to maternal uniparental disomy 21 and a mutation at the Y chromosome. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2008 doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2008.09.010 (in progress) Abstract lesen!

Kozlowski P, Knippel A, Stressig R. Individual Risk of Fetal Loss Following Routine Second Trimester Amniocentesis: A Controlled Study of 20 460 Cases. Ultraschall Med. 2008 Apr 29(2); Abstract lesen!

Kozlowski P, Knippel A, Stressig R. Comparing first trimester screening performance: routine care gynaecologists' practices vs. prenatal centre. Ultraschall Med. 2007 Jun;28(3):291-5. Abstract lesen!

Knippel AJ, Kozlowski P, Stressig R: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im vorgeburtlichen Screening auf chromosomale Störungen. Laboratoriums-Medizin 31;4 161-4. Abstract lesen!

Kozlowski P, Knippel AJ, Froehlich S, Stressig R. Additional performance of nasal bone in first trimester screening. Ultraschall Med. 2006 Aug;27(4):336-9. Abstract lesen!

Kozlowski P, Grund I, Hickmann G, Stressig R, Knippel AJ. Quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction versus cytogenetics: risk-related indication and clinical implication of nondetected chromosomal disorders. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2006;21(2):217-23. Abstract lesen!

Stressig R, Körtge-Jung S, Hickmann G, , Kozlowski P. Prenatal sonographic findings in trisomy 22: five case reports and review of the literature. J Ultrasound Med. 2005 Nov;24(11):1547-53. Abstract lesen!

Bartsch O, Loitzsch A, Kozlowski P, Mazauric ML, Hickmann G. Forty-two supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs) in 43,273 prenatal samples: chromosomal distribution, clinical findings, and UPD studies. Eur J Hum Genet. 2005 Nov;13(11):1192-204. Abstract lesen!

Rodríguez L, Starke H, Guardia NM, Tönnies H, Neitzel H, Kozlowski P, Mazauric ML, Heller A, Grondona FL, Mansilla E, Santos Muñoz MJ, Liehr T, Martínez-Frías ML. Three new cases with a supernumerary ring chromosome 1. Clin Dysmorphol. 2005 Oct;14(4):169-75. Abstract lesen!

Derichs N, Schuster A, Grund I, Ernsting A, Stolpe C, Körtge-Jung S, Gallati S, Stuhrmann M, Kozlowski P, Ballmann M. Homozygosity for L997F in a child with normal clinical and chloride secretory phenotype provides evidence that this cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator mutation does not cause cystic fibrosis. Clin Genet. 2005 Jun;67(6):529-31. Abstract lesen!

Chudoba I, Hickmann G, Friedrich T, Jauch A, Kozlowski P, Senger G. mBAND: a high resolution multicolor banding technique for the detection of complex intrachromosomal aberrations. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2004;104(1-4):390-3. Abstract lesen!

Liehr T, Hickmann G, Kozlowski P, Claussen U, Starke H. Molecular-cytogenetic characterization of the origin and the presence of pericentromeric euchromatin on minute supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs). Chromosome Res. 2004;12(3):239-44. Abstract lesen!

Spiegel M, Hickmann G, Senger G, Kozlowski P, Bartsch O. Two new cases of analphoid marker chromosomes. Am J Med Genet A. 2003 Jan 30;116(3):284-9. Abstract lesen!

Marquet KL, Wolter M, Handt S, Rath W, Stressig R, Kozlowski P, Funk A.  Criteria of dignity in ultrasound mammography using a 10-MHz-transducer, also with regard to tumor size. Ultraschall Med. 2002 Dec;23(6):383-7. Abstract lesen!

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